Battery recycling system for a smart manufacturing company in Sichuan

Battery recycling system for a smart manufacturing company in Sichuan
2024-09-18 16:34
Battery recycling system for a smart manufacturing company in Sichuan
The client is a company that specializes in battery recycling and processing systems. After the used batteries arrive, they are first tested and deeply discharged, then disassembled to the size of battery modules, crushed into particles, and then dried. The electrolyte is discharged and screened, and lithium, nickel, manganese, cobalt and graphite with recycling value are re-extracted so that the magnetic separator can further sort the materials. Non-magnetic materials are separated and all materials are classified into three categories: "black powder", copper and aluminum, and plastic. "Black powder" will be separated as raw materials and used to produce new batteries.

The client is a company that specializes in battery recycling and processing systems. After the used batteries arrive, they are first tested and deeply discharged, then disassembled to the size of battery modules, crushed into particles, and then dried. The electrolyte is discharged and screened, and lithium, nickel, manganese, cobalt and graphite with recycling value are re-extracted so that the magnetic separator can further sort the materials. Non-magnetic materials are separated and all materials are classified into three categories: "black powder", copper and aluminum, and plastic. "Black powder" will be separated as raw materials and used to produce new batteries.

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